What is your Dream?

“Dare to dream”, is it a cliche?

Imagine that time, money and resources were not a problem at all, and you could do or have anything (and everything) that you have ever dreamed of. Before you read further, take a moment to really think about that. What does your dream look like?

I was stunned to realize that if I ask myself that question, I honestly don’t have a definite answer! I had sleepless nights because of this dilemma I found myself in. It unraveled me because I am normally a very resourceful person. How on earth can it be that I don’t have a specific dream? I finally convinced myself the reason for the total lack of coming up with a specific dream was because I am so fortunate to live a blessed life that I don’t need specific dreams.

I asked other people and applied my mind to what it is that they dream of.  There are people that want to climb Mount Everest, others challenge themselves with something that gets recorded in the Genius Book of Records, others dream of buying a house at the sea, a lot of people dream of taking a trip somewhere overseas. Those are the single specific dreams, some people dream of less specific things, like getting rich, being popular or being loved. So, I asked myself, what is the magic formula then?

Sometimes there is no specific answer. Maybe it is a combination of many things. Obviously, it differs for every person. That is because we don’t all have the same talents, the same interests or the same ideas. Not a lot of people do things that requires physical outputs (like climbing a mountain), a lot of people has no desire to travel and so the list goes on.

Back to the analysis of my own dreams (or lack thereof). I realized that a lot of smaller dreams grouped together instead of a single big dream is what I am striving for: to live a fulfilled life. That doesn’t mean that I am not dreaming big. I am! I want a lot of things in abundance:

·   I want to spend as much time as possible with my child while he is still young and my upbringing has impact on him. My dream is that he is able to study one day and becomes a balanced and successful adult and that the lessons he learned from me helps him to get there;

·   I want to bring joy in my relationships with other people. That might not be a real definition of a dream, it requires hard work and real investments in relationships. Yet the dream is to have a positive influence on the people in my life so that my presence has meaning for them;

·   I want to earn a living by doing what I love doing, while reaping the best rewards for doing it. Money and satisfaction are the ultimate goals for achieving that;

·   I want to learn as much as possible so that I can do as much as possible. Learning is a passion I have always had, so maybe my hunger for knowledge is my biggest drive and my biggest dream is to be well educated;

·   I want a beautiful home, a stunning office and a fancy car. I. Want to see the world, experience the magic of nature and do things I have never experienced before. These are a few dreams coming together in one idea, of fully experiencing everything around me and enjoying the beauty of everything I do, see and have;

There are three things that stand out when I break down my dreams:

1.   Financial freedom,

2.   Quality time for the things I love and

3.   A sense of joy that fulfills me.

The full circle of my dream is something bigger than just a single dream. It is a whole bunch of things that interlinks with each other. To achieve some of these dreams, I need enough money. To have enough money, I have to be successful at what I am doing to generate that money. To be successful at what I am doing, I need to have knowledge. To have knowledge I need to learn. It all keeps coming together if you think about it like that.

It all fits into one big idea. One big dream that might be called a goal (or a whole lot of goals) instead of a dream. That is my dream. What is yours?

Get in touch and let met help you to grow and achieve your dreams.

Antoinette Venter, ActionCOACH Business Coach
antoinetteventer.actioncoach.com | antoinetteventer@actioncoach.com

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